
International Mediator, Eric van Ginkel, will be speaking as a representative for the United States at the UNCITRAL Asia-Pacific Conference.

Beverly Hills, California - November 16th, 2012.

Agency for Dispute Resolution’s Eric van Ginkel, will be speaking as a representative for the United States at the UNCITRAL Asia-Pacific Conference on Mediation. Organized and hosted by the City University of Hong Kong and with the support of UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), the 2012 Asia-Pacific Mediation Conference is being held on November 16-17, 2012, with a focus on “Mediation and its Impact on National Legal Systems.”

The conference will continue to promote the modernization and harmonization of the law and practice of mediation in the region and the expansion of the role of mediation and mediators both within Asia-Pacific and internationally.

Eric van Ginkel is a consummate commercial attorney, mediator, and arbitrator, with extensive experience in complex international business transactions and intellectual property law. Eric is fluent in English, Dutch, French, German, and proficient in Italian.

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Agency for Dispute Resolution Neutral Jeffrey Benz to Teach for ISDE LLM Program

Beverly Hills, California - November 16th, 2012.

On Monday, November 19th, 2012, Agency for Dispute Resolution mediator and arbitrator, Jeffrey Benz will be fulfilling his adjunct professor duties by speaking in New York at the sports law LLM program run by Instituto Superior De Reche on the topic of sports law and dispute resolution in Asia.

Jeffrey Benz has extensive, overarching, and hands-on experience as a litigator, in house counsel, transactional attorney, outside counsel, and ADR neutral spanning nearly two decades of practice. Jeff’s dispute resolution career covers a vast area of complex business, insurance, sports, financial, commercial, regulatory, and technology and conflict issues.

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