
Strategic Consultant and Transformational Mediator, Jennifer Waterhouse Pietro, has joined our panel.

Beverly Hills, California - May 14th, 2012.

As both a transformational and traditional commercial mediator, Jennifer Waterhouse Pietro has crafted a highly unique business identity as a mediator, strategic consultant, and trusted business advisor. Pietro has a keen awareness of cross-cultural interactions having traveled extensively and conducted business internationally in cross-cultural settings in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Having advised and worked closely with a wide range of individuals from prominent business leaders to philanthropists and from educators to Academy Award winning motion picture producers, Pietro brings creativity to the table to assist clients in developing visionary business plans and other organizational development tools to minimize risk and maximize profit.

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Jeffrey Benz is featured speaker at Sports Lawyer Association's Annual Conference, May 10-12, in San Diego.

Beverly Hills, California - May 7th, 2012.

Jeffrey G. Benz of the Agency for Dispute Resolution, will be a featured speaker at the 38th Annual Conference of the Sports Lawyers Association, which will be held on May 10-12, 2012 in San Diego, California. Benz will be featured at a session title “ADR Issues in the Olympics and the Major Sports” alongside NFL and NBA arbitrator, Roger Kaplan. The conference is designed for attorneys, agents, representatives of professional athletes, professional sports teams and leagues, players associations, stadium and arena authorities, and companies involved with all forms of sports.

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