Settlement Conference
An ADR technique either permitted or required by statute in many jurisdictions as a procedural step before trial, in which typically a retired or former judge conducts the mediation. These judges play a much stronger authoritative role than mediators since they also provide the parties with specific substantive and legal information.
Special Master
A third-party neutral that assists the parties manage discovery, narrow issues, agree to stipulations, find facts, and, occasionally, reach settlement.
Stipulated Judgment
A judgment which both sides agree to have entered. If the agreement is not followed, the plaintiff can file an affidavit of default wherein the judgment can be entered without notice to the defendant(s). This default judgment is binding and failure to comply with it means that an enforcement action could be taken.
A third party neutral chosen to decide a question in a controversy that has been submitted to Arbitration but has not been resolved because the arbitrators cannot reach agreement.